Kādi principi jāievēro, apstrādājot?


Apstrādājot, jāievēro šādi četri principi:


Pirmkārt, apstrādājamā detaļa pēcapdares apstrāde: the main surface apdares apstrāde (grinding, honing, finishing, rolling apstrādi, etc.) should be carried out in the final stage of the process, the surface roughness after apstrādi Ra0.8um or more, a slight collision will damage the surface, in Japan, Germany and other countries, after apdares apstrāde are protected with fleece cloth.


Otrkārt, sadalietapstrādi stages: the surface with high quality requirements is divided into apstrādi stages, generally can be divided into three stages: roughing, semi-finishing and finishing. Easy to arrange the main conducive to ensure the apstrādi quality of the reasonable use of equipment heat treatment process, and easy to find the blank defects, etc. 


Third, the first apstrādi reference surface: the apstrādi process, the first apstrādi as a positioning reference surface, to provide the correct benchmark for the apstrādi of the later processes. Called the "benchmark first".

Four, before and after the hole: box, bracket and connecting rod and other components, must be processed first plane apstrādi holes. In this way, the hole can be positioned in the plane apstrādi, to ensure the positioning accuracy of the plane and hole, to facilitate the apstrādi of the hole on the plane. HXTech apstrādāto detaļu ražotājs Kā no 15 gadiemapstrādes pieredzes rūpnīcavar sniegt jums kvalitatīvu izmaksu analīzi un skaistas cenas, lūdzu, nekavējoties nosūtiet e -pastu uz tālruni, lai sniegtu jums optimālos apstrādes risinājumus -info@machinedpartshx.com